What is Content Marketing?

Aghori Media House
6 min readMay 28, 2020

Today we will learn a brief on Content Marketing and how it helps to

  1. Improve lead generation
  2. Escalate brand awareness
  3. Increase website traffic

Sales are the most vital aspect of any business enterprise. Content Marketing plays a pivotal role in increasing sales for your business. Let us learn what it entails.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a process of generating, publishing and promoting content to attract customers. However, content is not limited to the textual mediums like a blog post or a newsletter. It also includes interactive mediums like videos, podcasts and engaging social media creatives. Content marketing aims at escalating your brand awareness. It acts as a guideline to create engaging content and effectively promote it on various platforms. Interactive content with high reach further fuels your lead generation process, which in turn leads to more sales and revenue.

Why content marketing is important for your business?

Now that we know what content marketing is, let us learn how it can contribute to your business.

  • Customer Engagement: The interaction of your customers with your brand plays an important role in generating sales. When consumers engage in conversations to learn more about your offering, it implies that they trust you. You have been successful to grab their attention amidst other brands. And now you need to maintain it throughout. You can keep your consumers interested, by quickly replying to their queries, attending to their concerns about your offering and updating engaging content. Customer engagement motivates your potential buyers to make a purchase and your existing customers to maintain their brand loyalty. The emotional attachment that your loyal customers have for your brand should be respected.
  • Brand awareness & Lead Conversions: An effective content marketing strategy escalates your brand awareness. It aims at distributing the right content through the right channels to generate maximum leads. Through this process, one can generate relevant lead magnets to entice potential consumers. Content marketing encompasses an intensive process of research that allows you to map your ideal customer. It efficiently assists you in creating your buyer persona. With a concise identity of an ideal buyer, creating relevant content becomes easier. From engagement content to lead generation content, you are in a better position to target your desired audience. Lead conversions better take place when you target the right buyer, with effective content, through the relevant platforms.
  • Innovation: The strategy that focuses on the ideal buyer also motivates the company towards innovation. The reviews of customers along with their suggestions further paves the way for new ideas. The marketing team can tap into this data and brainstorm with these ideas to create new products. Loyal customers have a bond with your brand, they genuinely communicate to share ideas they want to be delivered. Content marketing can assist you in monitoring these conversations which in turn contributes to new fruitful upgrades.

4 Key features of a Content Marketing strategy?

A productive content marketing strategy is your answer. A content marketing strategy meticulously outlines the essential details like the topic to provide content on, the format in which it should be addressed, the writing style, and the artistic approach to present it. Following is a list of some essential requisites to include in your content strategy.

1. Customer-centered content: Content creation involves intensive research to ensure that relevant content is being published. The process begins by researching the right content topic. The one that is demanded by your audience. You want to write something that will be read by someone. Not just anyone though, by your target audience.

  • How to determine what to write?

Though learning from your competitors may not sound a good idea to begin your content creation, but, pragmatically, it is. Your competitors have customer engagement and hence the formula to their requirement of content. Research your competitors and their ideas behind their content creation. It will only help expand your horizon of creativity if you utilize it wisely. You can research a popular blog on your industry and study its components. The research will enable you to acknowledge what your audience wants. Study the engagement on each post and work your way up to create content relevant to that subject. Learn how, why and what factors that entice the audience to follow the information so relentlessly. Don’t limit yourself to one particular resource. Explore your possibilities. Research extensively before beginning your process of content creation.

2. SEO Content: Create content to rank it on search engines. SEO content revolves around keyword research. It might surprise you, but your heading is equally important to the rest of your content. If your visitor doesn’t find your heading engaging or impressive, they wouldn’t even consider reading the content, however resourceful it might be. Focus on the highest-ranking keywords for that particular industry. Inculcate them in your content as well your heading to increase your chances of ranking.

  • How to optimize your content?

Use odd numbers instead of even. Surprisingly odd numbers get more clicks than the even ones. You can use digits in your headline to grab the attention of the reader. People are looking for quick solutions, and headlines with digits are said to help them more. Keep your introductions short (5–6 sentences) and write as you talk. Learn to keep it simple yet engaging. Tune in to the style of your audience while sounding professional. Keep your post visually enticing as well. The more visuals you add the better, to keep your visitors intact. When your content is appealing, your visitors are more likely to revisit your site on your next content post.

3. Online Presence: Where a better place to monitor your customer’s choices than online. Online platforms present a great opportunity to monitor the conversations of customers with your brand and also related to your brand. They bring to light the various queries the consumers want to be resolved. Aim to create engaging content through various online platforms. Utilize the availability of blogs, videos, infographics, podcasts, lead magnets like surveys and quizzes, effectively. Focus on generating content through these mediums to reach a wide range of audiences in a decent schedule. Your audience is communicating on a regular basis, listen, monitor and upgrade.

4. Promotion: It might surprise you, but email bags the slot for the number one promotion tool when it comes to content marketing. Your subscribers are the people who are in awe of your content. They want to see, hear and read more of you than anyone else. They are your earnest followers who wouldn’t shy away from sharing your content with their known circle. Maintain this tool and entertain your subscribers, it is worth the effort.

Content Marketing Campaign

A content marketing campaign includes all your actions to drive sales using a content marketing strategy. A content marketing campaign must focus on a few factors to perform efficiently, amidst the growing competition. It should be designed to offer valuable input to the target audience. The kind of input that resolves their problem or enhances their product experience. Actions should be focused on creating original content and innovative ideas. A clear vision with a focus on the target audience helps to narrow down the relevant content dismissing the nonessential information.

Do let us know if this blog was informative. Check out our other informative blogs on digital marketing.



Aghori Media House

Hardcore techies and Creative Souls at work, “Aghori” envisions a world where every digital or otherwise interaction leads to the building of a brand.